Trump's Nonfatal Lucky Accident

Trump is remarkably lucky. His shooter couldn't have done him a bigger favor.
Now Trump has become a national hero and will surely be the next president.
It was Trump's second crushing blow to Biden.

Collage by author from work of DonkeyHotey, CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

On July 13, an assassination attempt was made on D. Trump while holding a campaign rally in Butler (PA). Here is a good and fairly complete video of the accident.
The bullet grazed Mr. Trump’s ear, he hid under a podium and securities surrounded him, a shooter was shot and killed by the Secret Service agents. When the guards lifted Mr. Trump to his feet, he raised a clenched fist and repeated "fight, fight" several times. The audience cheered loudly and photos of that moment had quickly traveled around the world.

The event ultimately resulted in the death of one rally participant and two more were seriously injured, everyone expressed an outrage at this act of violence, and the fearless hero Mr. Trump traveled to Wisconsin with an ear patch, where he accepted the official nomination for President at the Republican Party's national convention. Some Republicans were wearing a symbolic patch on their right ear at the convention as a sign of solidarity with the former president.

CNN has very appropriately named its good article “Trump triumphant as Biden descends into a deepening crisis.” Absolutely correct description.

Was it really an assassination attempt or a staged act?

My first impression after I read about the assassination attempt was «it is staged». It was simply the first internal sensation of my body (which is often correct, if the mind is completely excluded). Why?
Because this assassination attempt solved too many problems in favor of D. Trump and the media produced too beautiful picture of the accident. And the bullet only grazed the ear.
This happens in movies, but not in real life.

The advantages of the assassination attempt for Mr. Trump.

- It was very clear that the assassination attempt on Trump would raise his ratings because after he becomes a fearless hero and a national symbol. Americans love heroes and symbolic figures in general. Many undecided voters will now vote for Mr. Trump.

- The assassination attempt will rally Republicans around Mr. Trump and silence those in the party who oppose him.

- Mr. Trump was already ahead of Biden in various polls, and now the gap will increase even more. Most likely it will last until November.

- Courts hearing Mr. Trump's criminal cases will be under greater moral pressure. It is difficult to judge the hero and all his criminal cases will now be considered political persecution. And so it happens: on July 15, Judge Aileen Cannon has already dismissed the «Classified Documents» case against Mr. Trump. The American Themis always peeks from under the blindfold.

- The 20-year-old killer does not look like a man capable of completing the mission or an ideological fighter against Trumpism.

- I also didn’t like the fact that the killer was killed right away. For their salary, the special forces should have wounded him at most, but in any case it was necessary to capture the shooter alive to clarify the circumstances and connections. And now the Secret Service only «have not found any evidence that the gunman had strong political beliefs or an ideological motivation». This is an unprofessional work.

Summary: The man who shot Mr. Trump could not have done him a greater favor. Not a single action by anyone has increased Mr. Trump's rating so much and momentarily.

Yes, someone died and someone was injured in the accident, and this gives credibility to any event. However, I am used to believe that politics is a dirty business, and when the stakes are high anything is possible in any country. People of the former USSR still believe that Mr. Trump’s idol, Mr. Putin, once organized blasting of residential buildings in several Russian cities with hundreds of victims, blamed the Chechens for this and quite easily became the president of Russia a few months later on the wave of popular indignation.

So my first impression was that the assassination attempt was “staged.” However, it was necessary to wait for the release of additional information and I did not rush with the article. And such information appeared.

So, it was an assassination attempt. It turns out that everything can happen in life.

1. A local police officer saw a man with a gun on the roof of a nearby building before the assassination attempt, but was unable to stop him. A minute later the shooting began. This officer's testimony can be trusted.

2. Forensic audio-analysis shows that three weapons altogether were fired at the Republican rally, and that the gunman was around 360 - 393 feet from the podium. That was a conclusion of the independent expertise which, being based on sounds, established the identity of the weapons and the order of shots during the accident.

3. One rally participant died and 2 others were seriously injured. This means that shots were fired towards the rally (and Mr. Trump). If the assassination attempt had been staged, Mr. Trump would not have been participated in the shooting. It's too risky to be shot at from 360 feet distance, he loves himself too much for that.

So I answered myself to the main question: it was really an assassination attempt.

What was the shooter’s motive?

FBI states the attacker acted alone. This is important and most likely true.

People familiar with Thomas Crooks describe the shooter as “an awkward, intelligent teenager who liked to tinker with computers.” Nobody understands the motive for the assassination attempt and Mr. Crooks is dead.

I can offer two my variants here.
1. An attempt to become famous and go down in history. I think many have already considered this option. Quite a lot of people try to become famous in any way. It is much more difficult to become famous for good deeds than for evil ones, so it is quite possible that this was the main motive for the actions of Thomas M. Crooks, and everything would have been fine with his plan ... if he had remained alive. However, the special forces shot him down and thus left the question of the motive unanswered. And it looks like Mr. Crooks didn't think much about what he would do after the assassination attempt which brings me to my next thought.

2. He was a man with a mass shooter psychology.
I have already written about that in some detail. The fact is that these mass shooters are a relatively new type of killers who are very different from the “regular” serial killers of the last few decades. They usually act alone, do not make any demands at the threat of being caught, and generally do not really expect to survive just like in the case of Mr. Crooks. That is why their crimes are almost impossible to prevent. However, mass shootings occur quite rear in the US and account around 0.2% of all gun-related deaths in the US, so we can consider that a very rare lucky accident happened in life of Mr. Trump.

Who are the mass shooters?

These incomprehensible mass shooters are the forerunners of the emergence of a new type of human beings who are coming into the world to replace us, like we (Homo Sapiens) had replaced the Neanderthals in the same way long ago. This is called evolution of species.

Not all of those “new type of humans” are killers, but all of them can be conventionally called "Homo Intrepidus" for their self-carelessness. They essentially differ from us by one, but very unusual feature - they do not care about what happens to them personally at all like bees or ants. Homo Sapiens is programmed to survive at all costs, but Homo Intrepidus is not.

Every species is replaced by another one at some point through a series of mutations. This is the Program at work, which we all live in and do not feel it. Humans call it “God”.

The assassination attempt on Mr. Trump doesn’t change my attitude to both candidates and voting in November.

Both major parties in the country and both candidates cannot solve the main problems of the US: they will not stop living in debt, nor eliminate inflation (because they don’t even understand what it is), nor eradicate corruption (because it is their way of living), so it is useless to vote for any of them.
Well, for the sake of justice I must say that corruption cannot be completely eradicated; it is natural thing like the shadows of objects during the daytime and is the reverse side of the functioning of any governmental structure. However, corruption can be significantly reduced under certain conditions.

P.S. The civil war in the US will be postponed for some time if Mr. Trump defeats Mr. Biden in November (but not in the case of hypothetical Mr. Biden's victory). Maybe the civil war will be avoided at all. However, Mr. Trump will split the US into the groups of separate states and become the president of a non-existent country which is a good thing for the Americans. The current state system works against them and is getting more and more useless and unviable.
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