Different and Higher Points of View

There is always a higher point of view on everything.

Truth is a simple but multi-faceted and multi-layered concept.
Everyone sees his own facet in a particular moment of time and thinks this is the ultimate holistic truth. And it is always a mistake, because there are always not just different, but also higher points of view at the same object.

There are always different points of view on any object - whether it is an idea, a person, a group of people, phenomenon or event. People are different and they see the same things differently.
For example, different people see and describe differently the same car accident on the road. The good thing for the police here is that many subjective opinions make up a complete picture of the accident. The bad thing here is that the majority of witnesses have to be interviewed, otherwise the picture may not correspond to reality. And it is very bad when the witnesses start to argue, imposing their point of view on each other. Sometimes people are ready to die for their ultimate truth as they see it and almost always it is wrong. The keywords here are “as they see”.

A lot of conflicts in the world occur because of different points of view on the same thing, therefore all disputes on the subject often make no sense - people argue about different sides of the same indivisible truth, not understanding that it is a whole thing and it is impossible to take one side out of it and leave the other. For example, the Libertarian Party of the U.S. seriously believes that “taxation is a theft”, but the state (even the libertarian one) cannot exist without the taxes, so the dispute on this topic is senseless.

The individual point of view is also very subjective and depends much on lifestyle, preferences or the situation. I like to listen to the soldiers singing songs about peace (since a soldier is here to make war) or politicians fighting corruption (since the whole point of being a politician now is the possibility to solve the personal material problems at the expense of others). It's always funny to watch the bees fighting honey.
Many people have no time to look at things widely or they look and do not see the whole subject or they do not want to see it at all.

Besides, there is always a different, but also a higher point of view on any object. This viewpoint is determined by the place in the universe (in a hierarchy), which the observer belongs to. For example, mankind needed to go out into the space in the middle of the 20th century to look at our planet from the side (from the point of view of the senior hierarchies) to make sure that the Earth is a flattened or oblate spheroid. No scientific computations were needed, just a look from a higher point of view.

Different and Higher Points of View
Image from pexels.com

Another good example came from one of my rare readers.
In one comment I wrote that "the direct purpose of existence of women is to give birth to children". A reader reasonably objected: "Try telling this to any woman who wants to leave a legacy of her own that has nothing to do with giving birth."
Which one of us is right?

I answered him that no woman obviously sees herself just as the reproductive machine, but from the point of view of the higher hierarchy (our planet Earth) all women from my wife to Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel equally fulfill the purpose of their existence, which for all living beings on the planet is "to be born, to survive, to reproduce and to die".
Thus, we are both right, but at different levels of seeing. My point of view seems wider (or higher, or deeper if you will) and includes the point of view of my opponent.
This is the difference between just "different" and "higher" viewpoints.

Almost nothing can be done about getting the higher hierarchies point of view because of the “Circle Pass-Not”. This is a concept in esotericism, which in a greater sense means the border between the cognizable and the incognizable. Every biological species on the planet has its own “Circle Pass-Not”, i.e. the limitation of perception, which is inherent in a body. Every living entity is aware of the things it perceives through its senses only, and everything beyond them does not exist because it is outside of the “Circle Pass-Not”. Imagine the dog's perception of the TV show.

The main instrument of perception of reality in the human body is the eyesight. This is the most deceptive sense organ, especially for humans, because it depends not only on the illumination, but also on the desire (or unwillingness) of a person to look and see the truth.

The representatives of each hierarchy see (perceive the information) mainly from their own level of hierarchy and usually are not aware or do not pay attention to the information available from other levels.
So the scope of “seeing” of a cell in your body (assuming that the cell is interested in such things and can see how we do) is limited by the organ (place), which it belongs to. It “sees” (or rather, somehow perceives) neighboring cells and a little further - the nearby blood vessel, muscle or tendon cells, maybe lymphatic or blood cells running by, and somewhere far other organs or fragments of something unknown...

A human being, as a living cell of our planet (which is in my opinion a living organ of our Solar system, which is a living part of our galaxy, which in turn is a living part of our Universe) sees something similar looking in the night sky and basically is not allowed to see more. This is the “Circle Pass-Not“ for humans. However, there are some amazing representatives of the mankind - Aristotle, Giordano Bruno, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin - who have somehow exceeded the human limitations and expanded the boundaries of the “Circle Pass-Not” for the humanity. They somehow contrive to look at the world from higher hierarchy point of view.

For a human being, the senior hierarchies are small or large group of people (the family, a circle of friends or colleagues, neighborhood, city, country) and further up to the Earth, Solar system, etc.

Imagine that you are looking at maps of different scales. If it’s a map of your city, you’ll never know that your river flows into a more full-flowing river somewhere - it’s not shown on your map despite there are names of all the streets and local attractions there. If it’s a map of your county, you won’t see the borders of your state on it and won’t know that there are mountains in the west and the sea in the east, for example. If you don’t have a map of the whole country, you won’t know that the other countries exist.
This is how humanity has studied the Earth. Step by step. The great seafarers and trailblazers - Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook - fearlessly moved ahead, exploring new lands and drawing more and more detailed maps. They expanded the boundaries of the geographical knowledge of mankind. In the same way other fields of human knowledge were developed.

Each hierarchy provides access only to a “map” of a certain scale, i.e. it limits the viewpoint. However, it is possible to go beyond this limited seeing as the experience of great scientists and discoverers shows. Everybody can look at anything in a different way. Just the interest, common sense and observation are needed, not academic degree.

To look at anything in a simple and holistic way, you need to see an object (concept, event, person, country or universe) from the correct distance in time. The bigger an object is, the more distance (and time) is needed to make the correct conclusion about the whole. For example, it is easier to understand the way of living of the family for a stranger than for a friend of that family, not speaking about the members. The distance should be sufficient to see the whole object during necessary time, not getting into the details and/or emotions, which people usually do. That’s why they drown in details and lose the object completely, not having seen the forest behind the trees. You need to see the whole forest for a while to understand how the forest works. When you will need a tree from that forest - come closer and observe the specific tree, not paying attention either to the forest or to the branches and leaves of that tree.

There is always a limitation on every cognitive process. For example, a bear can ride the bicycle in a circus, but will never speak. And the process of every cognition or understanding is gradual - it is impossible to understand the exponentiation in math, not knowing the multiplication and the addition. These are necessary hierarchal steps (levels of understanding) in that discipline. Since every knowledge and understanding are hierarchal, the border (actually, the stop-sign for a cognition) and steps to that border (grades, just like in school) are always present.

That’s what the different and higher points of view are about. I can see them both working in mundane life and share my vision here, so you may start experimenting with that, too.


P.S. Dear Reader! I am very much interested in your opinion on the subject of this article. Please, write a comment or ask a question if you want to clarify something.
Igor Chykalov
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