“I’m Fed Up with Liberals”
This is what one well-educated and intelligent lady
from Oregon said about her life in the state.
from Oregon said about her life in the state.

Percent of self-identified liberals in the US by state, Gallup 2018 (from under 15% (light blue) to above 32% (dark blue)).
Image by Szmenderowiecki, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
I have been familiar with the expression «don’t play a liberal» since my childhood. It was used in the USSR mainly in a negative sense, when the authorities (especially in schools, in the army) tried to understand disobedient or guilty people and resolve the conflict by persuasion instead of punishment, i.e. they were “too tolerant”. Basically, it was about applying the “carrot policy” instead of the “stick policy” (some tough measures).
I remember that in my adulthood I was shocked by the verdict of a Norwegian court to a Norwegian man who shot 69+ people on the small island of Utoya near Oslo on July 22, 2011. He was sentenced to 21 years in prison - the maximum term in humane liberal Norway. I still don't understand why such people are allowed to live, let alone that they need to be fed.
A good modern example of the same excessive and unnecessary liberalism, in my opinion, are the attempts of the collective West to understand and justify the actions of Mr. Putin who has been declared a criminal by International Criminal Court.
Over time, I came to a simple conclusion, observing animals, children, soldiers and Mr. Putin: the result of such liberal policies is that they begin to push you around, demand more and more, and it is much more difficult to restore relative order than to prevent that liberal mess. This is where the "stick policy" which is so unpopular with liberals, is needed.
The "stick policy" suppresses, yes, this may be “bad", but the "carrot policy" spoils, and this may be even worse. Everything in the world is dual and the "carrot" does not work without the "stick," therefore the excessively liberal domestic and foreign policy of many countries turned into an "ostrich policy" of ignoring the problem or drowning it in empty talk, since many problems cannot be solved just by persuasion.
Liberalism in the US.
It is based on concepts of unalienable rights of the individual: the fundamental liberal ideals of consent of the governed, freedom of speech/press/religion, the separation of church and state, the right to bear arms, the right to due process and equality before the law. According to American philosopher Ian Adams, "all US parties are liberal and always have been.»
Modern liberalism in the US is one of two major American political ideologies and it is typically associated with the Democratic Party. Another major political ideology of the US is conservatism which is typically associated with the Republican Party. By the 1970s the Democratic Party became predominately liberal and the Republican Party adopted conservatism.
As a group, "liberals" are referred to as left or center-left and "conservatives" as right or center-right. Starting in the 21st century, there has also been a sharp division between liberals who tend to live in denser, more heterogeneous urban areas, and conservatives who tend to live in less dense, more homogeneous rural communities, with suburban areas largely split between the two.
Since the 2010s, the Democratic Party is strongest among urban residents, union workers, college graduates, most ethnic minorities, the unmarried, and sexual minorities.
«I’m fed up with liberals.»
I have a good friend in Oregon.
She is a very nice, well educated and intelligent woman, very polite and patient with others. In my opinion, she is a real liberal at heart and I was much surprised when she answered my question about her life in Oregon with a short phrase: «I’m fed up with liberals.» I was taken aback by this answer, but later I decided to clarify what exactly she meant, and at the same time asked whom she was going to vote for in the upcoming presidential elections.
She answered quite quickly:
"I'm not much interested in politics now and I'm not interested in details. The bigger picture is enough. I'll explain why I’m “fed up” with liberals.
Portland was a great city until recently. A few years ago, things changed dramatically.
I have nothing against liberals. I don't consider myself a supporter of the Democratic, Republican, Labor or any other party. I think that the advantage is just that the Democrats and Republicans balance each other.
In my opinion, the problem is that the current government with the help of the pandemic“drove people into a stall” for a couple of years, thereby ruining small and medium-sized businesses, and is now trying to block freedom of speech. This reminds me my past life (in the USSR — I.C.), where we were treated like the rabble. It is dangerous here to say anything that does not coincide with the opinion of the locals. And a huge part of the locals are Antifa. They have no logic. They are anarchists living in some imaginary world of their own. Many of them have never traveled and have no idea about geography or history. They don't use their brains and easily fall under the influence of Muslims, the KGB, etc. It's impossible to explain anything to them. I tried. It doesn't cause anything in them except anger. They chant the cliched phrases of the communists, having no idea what kind of utopia it really is.
I have nothing against gays and transvestites, but I am against children being brainwashed with these ideas from a toddler age and having sex reassignment surgery at the age of 12. This group demands and has already created groups in libraries where they read books about sexual orientation to young children.
I feel sorry for the homeless who sooner or later die from an overdose. Supporting these people with everything they need does not help them, but on the contrary, destroys them and creates a danger to society.
I don't like that the police has no rights. They cut a huge number of police officers, and now they complain why no one comes when called. There is just no one to come. Again, no logic.
I don't like the fact that the history has been twisted in schools and turned into the «history of the black». Black racism is encouraged for some reason. Kids are already guilty of not being black. I know black people who left Portland because they were tired of this policy of the city.
You have certainly heard about the pogroms in the city with the slogans “Black lives matter.” Interestingly, “black” people were most often not present there.
Social assistance — it is good, but in my work I have encountered a lot of people who use the system for other purposes.
There is no need to talk about the problem with illegal immigrants, you know it yourself.
Trump is certainly a rare piece of shit, but I noticed that a considerable number of educated people who considered themselves Democrats are going to vote for him because they see no other way.
Maybe I would have done the same, but because of Trump's statements about Ukraine and his attraction to the ghoul Putin, I see no other way, but to vote for Kamala.
This is probably the main things that do not suit me. This topics can be spoken about forever.”
That's it. Well educated and intelligent people are fed up with the excessively liberal policies of the US Democratic Party. Whom will the Democrats be left with then?
And one more consideration.
I agree with my Oregon friend on almost all counts except the main one: she and her Democratic friends can (but are not obliged) vote for whoever they dislike less simply because they see no other choice. Yes, the game is rigged and the Americans always have “a choice without a choice,” but there is a third way and I have written quite a lot about that.
With all their intelligence, these educated and well-mannered people do not see that by choosing the lesser of two evils, they are guaranteed to have the evil for 4 years more. This is the main reason for active separation and degradation of the country since 2016.
From that point of view it is better (and merely honest) not to vote at all.
Liberal mess creates a sense of lawlessness.
Many people don't like a mess.
I felt this very well in the Soviet army and understood that it is hard for everyone to live in a mess - from soldiers to senior officers. In civilian life and in any country it is exactly the same, and I see that the US liberals are leading the country in this direction. I don't care that this mess is democratic in its nature, what matters to me is that the citizens get a feeling of lawlessness in the US. In my opinion, this is exactly what my friend from Oregon was talking about.
A few examples of self-created mess:
- Oregon tried to decriminalize all drugs in 2020 according to the Portuguese model, overdoses have surged and the locals faced lots of sick addicts, needles on the streets, public defecation, etc. Oregon's liberal government ignored the fact that despite «Portugal ended prison time for drug possession, it created a unique system that pushed people to stop using drugs — sometimes with the continued threat of penalties, like the revocation of a person’s professional license. Oregon didn’t plan to enact similarly tough penalties, and advocates for decriminalization did not have a clear explanation for why their law would work as well as Portugal’s.»
In April 2024, Oregon’s governor has signed a measure to reimpose criminal penalties for hard drugs. Portland’s mayor said that the experiment has failed.
The «carrot» doesn't work without the «stick».
- The Biden’s administration has let several million illegal immigrants in the country from 2020 to 2024, following their liberal beliefs-delusions. Then the Democrats were forced to change their immigration policy since many polls showed strong voter rejection of it in a presidential election year.
The illegal immigration problem and who is to blame for its recent exacerbation are absolutely clear to everyone, while the high cost of living and the country's economy are much more complex stuff to understand. So if Mrs. Harris loses the general election, it will be due mainly to the current administration's stupid liberal immigration policies. The Democrats have given Mr. Trump a real gift.
- In the US, gangs of teenagers are smashing stores and no one is stopping them. Why?
Because the teenagers get away with it. Liberals in some US states (especially California) simply scold them for stealing goods from a store worth up to $950 (it’s a misdemeanor according to local liberal law), and employees and police simply don’t want to get involved.
Adult Americans also shoplift a lot, so even national chains Walmart, Walgreens, Whole Foods, Target and pharmacies like CVS close their retail stores in different states or go online. Is America no longer protecting its citizens' businesses?
With such connivance, liberals undermine the basis of the existence of the US - the protection of private property.
And yet young people see that there is no need to study, spending money and time on it, and then work. You can go and take what you need right now. Up to $950 at a time in California. So far.
- More and more people are riding public transportation in New York and Washington, D.C., without paying a fare. For the past few years, fare beating has again become a regular part of public transit. This seems like a little thing, but many of those who see that get a feeling of impotence and lawlessness in the country. Transit workers are powerless, because district attorneys stopped pursuing most fare evasion cases. As a result, the fare evasion has surged and violent crimes in transportation system rose sharply since 2019.
- Mr. Trump’s trial saga undermines another core principle of the liberalism - equality before the law. There are 4 criminal cases against him and none of them have been completed during 4 years! The flagship of the collective West and the bulwark of liberal democracy, America, may get a convicted felon as a president!
Only Ukraine has reached such «heights» of democracy in 2010, when twice convicted V. Yanukovych was elected president. The convictions were cleared in advance for him, though.
The US as a state cannot (does not want to?) decide whether to punish Mr. Trump or not. This again causes citizens to feel impotence and lawlessness in the country.
In the absence of order in a society, there is always a demand for an “iron hand” that can restore the order. This is what Mr. Trump constantly promises to his voters, but in my opinion, he only creates the appearance of an "iron hand." Anyway, the Americans will have to elect a president from the two candidates they have. They do not see a third way.
It's not Mr. Trump and the Republicans are doing so good, but the liberal Democrats are doing so bad.
In the 2020 presidential election, Democrats won the majority of votes from African American, Hispanic, and Asian voters; young voters; women; LGBT voters; urban voters; voters with college degrees; and voters with no religious affiliation.
Recent times the African American, Hispanic and Asian voters have moved to the right despite the often racist rhetoric of Mr. Trump and his supporters. The reason is simple: it's not Mr. Trump and the Republicans are doing so good, but the liberal Democrats are doing so bad at the helm of the country. In particular, «… For most Americans, race is a less significant political force than many progressives believe it is — and economic class is more significant.»
So, if African American, Hispanics and Asian voters are increasingly less supportive of the overly liberal Democratic Party in the US, who will vote for the Democrats? Women, optimistic young voters and LGBT? The November, 5 election will provide some indication of whether their votes are enough for the victory of Mrs. Harris. The Americans will once again be choosing the lesser of two evils, but that is only the first act of the show. In reality, the US President will be elected by the Electoral College on December, 17, and there are some variants here.
There will be another very important date in between — December, 11 which could push back the December, 17 Electoral College vote in the states. On that day (December, 11), the Сertificates of Ascertainment are due. They “name the electors chosen by the winning candidate for president and vice president and provide the results of votes cast for each slate of electors».
The main question here is: who will be considered the winning candidate then?
If Mrs. Harris does not win the popular vote by a landslide on November, 5 (which is unlikely, the candidates are neck and neck), Mr. Trump will most likely challenge the results of the general election and by December, 11 it will still be unclear who is «the winning candidate for president and vice president.»
America is entering a period of great turbulence - the threat of a civil war and/or the beginning of trials over the result of the election. These are the achievements of liberal democracy which is supported more or less by both American major parties.
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