The Singular Cause of Autism and Other Problems of Humanity

That’s the Program at work which we all live in and do not feel it.
There is no need to treat autists because they are not sick,
but are just harbingers of the coming mutation of humanity.

Governor J. Justice declared April Autism Awareness Month (2017). Image by Governor J. Justice, Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

I recently came across the article in The New York Times called «Research Finds Vaccines Are Not Behind the Rise in Autism. So What Is?» It says that the number of autistic children is growing all over the world: in early 2000s 1 autistic child was born out of 150 infants and now it is already 1 out of 36. This is the obvious progress (or "regression") and scientists are very concerned about this.

The author explains that
« … Autism spectrum disorder, as it is officially called, is inherently wide-ranging, marked by a blend of social and communication issues, repetitive behaviors and thinking patterns that vary in severity. A mildly autistic child could simply struggle with social cues, while a child with a severe case could be nonverbal. There is no blood test or brain scan to determine who has autism, just a clinician’s observations.

Science suggests different causes of the disease, but none of them explains the problem. So far, it is only clear that it is definitely not a consequence of vaccinations. Yes, that is true.

The article also states, that “… Because there is no singular cause of autism, scientists say there is therefore no singular driver behind the rise in cases.” No, that's not true.
Every effect has a singular cause that gave rise to it, the science just doesn't see that far, and all other factors that scientists consider to be influencing (environmental pollution, exposure to toxic chemicals, viral infections during pregnancy or aged parents) have nothing to do with this phenomenon.

Prostate cancer in men.

In this regard, I would like to point out one more thing which is not so noticeable, but developing in parallel with the growth of the number of autistic children. This is prostate cancer in men.The Lancet Commission on prostate cancer reported that «the number of new cases of prostate cancer worldwide is expected to double between 2020 and 2040. Even more concerning, annual prostate cancer deaths will increase by 85% to nearly 700,000 globally, primarily in men in developing countries.»

The causes of everything that happens on Earth are in the sky.

Autism and prostate cancer are interconnected, have a direct relation to the nearest future of humanity and will only get worse. I can explain the cause of autism in human children and prostate cancer in men, but my explanation is unscientific and I cannot cite any scientific authority. Only the future can confirm or deny this point of view. Fortunately, we don’t have to wait long for the evidences – just 5-10 years.

Autism and prostate cancer are the effects caused by the work of the Program (aka Cosmos, Absolute, Totality or God) which we all live in and do not feel it. This statement alone is “unscientific” and I set out my thoughts on this topic in the book “Universal Principles,” but here we are speaking just about autism.

The cause of autism, prostate cancer and many other current and future "problems" of humanity can be found where our science does not seek on principle - in unscientific esotericism. Human mind we are so proud of is limited in its perception and the science sees only the manifested part of reality, that is why it studies the effects rather than causes, and draws wrong conclusions. At the same time, pseudoscience astrology correctly postulated the main principle several thousand years ago: the causes of everything that happens on Earth are in the sky. The scientists never will come to understanding of autism if they look at it separately from everything else. To understand it, they need to know how the Program works and the answers to the questions that are still beyond the reach of science: "who are we?", "why are we here?" and the most interesting one "where are we going?"

Answers to these questions were received at different times by different humans - Muhammad, Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Moses - and not in the university, but in the form of revelations, which then had been passed on to humanity. For example, according to both Bible and Quran, God dictated the Mosaic Law to Moses which he wrote down in the five books of Torah.
Do you think it’s a lie or fairy tale?

There are things that cannot be grasped with human’s mind (especially if they are spread out over centuries and millennia), and the one needs somebody/something to explain the concept directly. This happens very rarely (the science believes that it never does) or the seeker needs to rise to a higher level of understanding by thyself, like Isaac Newton or Nicolaus Copernicus did.

The Program (Cosmos, Absolute, Totality or God).

The Program is unimaginably complex and enormous. Nobody knows who or what created it.

The Program manages the entire life of our vast Universe which esotericism considers to be an unborn yet child which is still in the womb of its mother, whose existence humanity does not even suspect. All the galaxies in our Universe make up the body of this child. The connection between the parts of the child's body occurs with the help of elementary particles called neutrinos which were discovered by humans in the mid-20th century. Neutrinos are extremely small in size, but have an infinitesimal mass, easily pass through any solid object and carry energy and information. They fill our Universe like water fills a pot of boiling soup and the Universe constantly receives information about you, for example, through the neutrino stream.

The main source of neutrinos in our solar system is the Sun which thus physically influences humanity by sending its information directly into our genes. Genes build physical bodies (body type, its shape, limitations, perception, health, etc.) and the Program manages the lives of all living things on Earth by influencing the genes and biochemistry of their bodies. A human being is a bio-robot that can be made to cry, laugh, sleep, kill, reproduce, get angry, excited, be afraid, etc., through its biochemistry and any anesthesiologist can confirm this.

There are also other programming agents - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Lunar Nodes. The Sun, each planet, Moon and Nodes program humanity in their own way through the flow of neutrinos.

All programming agents of our Solar System move along their orbits at different speeds, but pass through the projections of the same cosmic areas which ancient astrologers named after 12 signs of the Zodiac. Humans are being born under a certain Zodiac sign and more precisely on a certain day and time. A difference of several minutes of birth can fundamentally affect the energy properties of a newborn child, so even twins are different. All creatures on Earth are unique.

Passing through a certain section of a certain sign of the Zodiac at a certain time, each programming agent gives its specific energy into the “soup” which is transferred by neutrinos to the Earth almost instantly and this energy is imprinted in the energy matrix of the physical body of every creature born at that moment - from bacteria to humans. This “soup” is constantly being prepared, and thus there is a constant sowing of different life forms and the renewal of life on Earth with the properties specified by the “soup” (the Program).

Energy matrixes of different species (plants and animals) are different and the most complex of them was formed in humans as a result of the evolution of forms on Earth. It consists of 9 centers (updated ancient Indian Chakra system), 36 channels which connect these centers (ancient Jewish knowledge of Kabbalah) and 64 entry points of the channels into the centers which correspond to the 64 hexagrams of the ancient Chinese Book of Changes I-Ching.

The Sun and all the planets are constantly moving along their orbits and affect each of us individually after birth through the biochemistry of our bodies, creating constantly changing cosmic “weather.” That is why weak-willed people become strong-willed for some time (until “the weather” changes), unemotional people become emotional, absent-minded ones become focused, etc. At some point, the energy of different people forms the vector of energy of entire nations, and they begin to smelt steel, for example, not knowing that they are entering the Iron Age by this, or start Renaissance which gave mass education to Europeans thanks to Johannes Gutenberg and his Printing Revolution.

We do not feel the influence of the Program just as we do not feel the crazy speed of the Earth orbiting the Sun (67,100 miles per hour or 30 kilometers per second). We are the particles of the Program, nothing else exists at all and It grows all living things on Earth (including us) like tomatoes in a greenhouse.
This process has a specific purpose.

The purpose of the Program on Earth.

The purpose of the Program is to modify the physical body so that it could accept maximal Consciousness. Humans are now the Program's greatest achievement in this regard, as we are the only species on Earth with two types of Consciousness - Body Consciousness (Instinct) and mental Consciousness (Mind). Other animals and plants have only Instinct.

I’d like to give here an explanation of Consciousness from my small book «Short Truths»:
Consciousness is a survival mechanism. Every being somehow perceives thyself, the surroundings and behaves accordingly. This perception, evaluation of the situation and development of the strategy to satisfy the needs with a minimal risk is Consciousness.
There are several types of Consciousness.
Our Body Consciousness is around 4 billion years old. We call it "Instinct". The body becomes intelligent in the evolutionary process and learns how to survive by itself. That's how all plants and animals live.
Mind was the next step in evolution. The development of the brain in mammals has engendered mental self-reflected consciousness in Cro-Magnons and they called it Mind. It started to develop around 5 million years ago and helped us to climb at the top of the food chain due to more far-sighted survival strategies.
The third type is Emotional Consciousness. It started to develop in humans around 2 thousand years ago. We live among emotions, feel them, but do not know how they work.

The current “problem” of humanity is that the bodies of Homo Sapiens have reached the peak of their development and are physically unable to accept the next, highest level of Consciousnes – Emotional one, which allows to communicate through emotions without the words (thoughts and words are products of the Mind). This is roughly similar to the fact that the latest Windows cannot work on an old computer - outdated hardware limits the capabilities of new software which may not be installed at all. Therefore, the Program replaces us with a new species just like we (Cro-Magnons or Homo Sapiens) replaced the Neanderthals in due time. Nothing is personal, just moving forward according to our evolutionary program: we give birth to a new species and gradually disappear from the scene. Wars, global warming, natural disasters, man-made catastrophes, epidemics and diseases (in particular, prostate cancer in men) will help us to leave. And the Program needs the growing autism in children of humanity because autists are the species that is coming to replace us. The genetic code and energy matrix will be changed slightly in the human body, i.e. a very important mutation will occur. The Program has been actively conducting the preparation for the implementation of this mutation for the last couple of centuries which, of course, was unnoticed by humanity.

The сoming mutation.

There will be a mutation of the Emotional Center of the human body (Solar Plexus) and its active phase will begin in 2027. Some people already carry this mutation and their children manifest it in the world as autism. Further, there will be more representatives of the new species. They will be called “Raves.”

We will coexist with Raves for some time, just like Neanderthals coexisted with us long ago. More Raves will be born over time. They will be (already are) abnormal from our point of view (silent, sedentary, uncurious and uncommunicative) and therefore they will be treated by our science with no results.

Raves in a group will communicate without words by sharing their emotions. They will explore the world by the emotions and will go much further in their understanding than us with our deceptive instrument - Mind. Raves will have a shared collective Consciousness and they will feel the pain and joy of others as their own ones - something that humans have never been and never will be able to do.

Energy matrix with 9 centers is their (Rave’s) body, not ours. Our energy matrix is ​​correctly described by the ancient Indian system of Chakras and consisted of 7 centers. We (the last version of Homo Sapiens) are a transitional model - the old Consciousness (Instinct + Mind) in an improved body.

Raves will be poorly adapted to life and their parents will have to take complete care of them - feed, water, dress, walk ... And ask for help from the state, because Raves will not be able to take care of themselves. It’s a big burden, like having a disabled child in the family, which will be a tough test for our tolerance and humanism.

Humans will have a major change in their sexuality after 2027 and this is also a part of the mutation: a husband/wife and traditional family will be replaced by short, casual sexual relationships because in the near future everyone will be very busy with themselves and their own survival. Raves will not need sex because their emotional intimacy will be much deeper than sexual one. Thus the population of the Earth will be greatly reduced by the middle of this century because of all this, as well as wars, diseases, decline of male fertility and reluctance of both men and women to have children.

Actually, many things will change after 2027. Human civilization as we know it (the states) will collapse and the main cause for this is another aspect of the same Program. I called this process “Disintegration” in my articles.

What can be done about this?

Almost nothing. Science studies the effects of the problem, officials hold "Autism Awareness" events, but the awareness doesn't come. And it won’t because humans are limited with their Mind. This is the path of humanity - to seek, but not to find.

Now we will have to be in the shoes of the dinosaurs which died out not just because of the asteroid had hit the Gulf of Mexico about 66 million years ago (aquatic dinosaurs would have survived that), but also because the Program similarly limited their fertility. Then the mammals appeared on the scene with their potential to develop the higher level of Consciousness in a more sophisticated body. The evolution of the physical body occurs in a violent way via natural selection or the «survival of the fittest» mechanism, when all the "unfitted" die out.

Later humans will call everything that happens after 2027 "the God's curse."
Well, basically it will really look like this from the humans’ point of view, but the Program follows its own plan and it is beyond any morality. We had our heyday, just like the dinosaurs, but... Despite the development of our mind and science, we became fixated on logic which is only a part of cognitive process. We made almost no progress in understanding ourselves, the world around, and our role in the universe. We live in a Program (God) that we do not feel, not speaking about understanding, but we often mention God in vain and are simply ridiculous in our ignorance. All the achievements of our civilization are ultimately work against ourselves and are worthless before the power of the Program. We are helpless, incompetent, short-sighted, talkative, noisy, fussy, greedy and narcissistic.
The only thing we can do is simply observe the change of scenery after 2027 and try to get on each other's nerves less, although this is an impossible task for the genus Homo.

P.S. My few readers will probably be upset after reading this article. Don't be. Maybe I'm wrong since our science doesn't see anything like that in the future. It's much more interesting to find out what Mr. Trump will be doing after the inauguration or whom Kim Kardashian is dating now.
In that case, everything is fine and I wish everyone a Happy New Year.
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