Biden Isn't Leaving Now, So He'll Leave After the Election

Democrats will lose the presidential election
because Biden is old and everyone understands this.
They should have started promoting other candidates earlier.
And it would be better to create the well-being for US citizens.

Image by berkielynn, CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

The Americans have lived to see a change of generations among the part of their elite—the Democratic Party.
After the televised debates of presidential candidates, the majority of citizens clearly saw the physical inability of President Biden to govern the country.

I remember all rulers were aged as well in the USSR before the collapse of the country, but the democracy (or rather, the feedback - a free press and the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution) allows the nation to face reality time after time. In the USSR, neither relatively free elections, nor debates, nor the wide discussions were possible. The country's leaders usually died while being on duty after leading the Soviet people in an unknown direction for some time.

Does President Biden also want to die while being on duty? Then he must have some compelling reasons for that. It is interesting to observe how representatives of the elites of such different countries as USSR and USA can behave in the same way...

Democrats had to be preparing Biden's replacement since 2020.

What the Democrats and their donors are now experiencing is shock, panic (honest alarmists) or a desire to attribute everything to a “distorting mirror” (blind optimists), but there are also “realists” (those who understand that now it is necessary to remove Mr. Biden and urgently nominate someone else).
They realize that they are trapped and have no good way out of the situation.

Democrats are now afraid of any continuation - both the nomination of Mr. Biden and his replacement with another candidate. Moreover, they «privately express real fears about the extent to which Biden could not only lose the White House but could drag down Democrats running in House and Senate races.»
More and more prominent democrats ask Mr. Biden to step aside, but it is interesting what they are going to do next.
Well, life is finally bringing the US Democratic Party down to earth.

Technically, the Democrats can't kick Mr. Biden out as a presidential candidate. He can only stop his participation himself, but Mr. Biden is not going to give up and suggests everyone who does not believe in his strength: «If any of these guys don’t think I should run, run against me… Go ahead, announce for president. Challenge me at the convention.»
Realistic Democrats understand that this will only lead to the dispersion of their forces and will ultimately help the Republicans.

Indeed, there is no one to replace Mr. Biden with; the Democrats have no strong candidates in reserve. There are just featureless Kamala Harris (my subjective opinion) or governors of Michigan and California who still need to be promoted.

However, the Democrats themselves are to blame for the current situation. They lived in an imaginary world, thought that they could cope with everything by just tolerance for abortions and same-sex marriages, relied too much on the criminal cases against Mr. Trump and became detached from reality. They completely missed the issue of immigration, not to mention the economics, inflation and high cost of living which worries much the Americans. Democrats had to do something about all that, too (as well as the Republicans, by the way).
In addition, right after the 2020 election victory (which was an advance from the American people), the Democrats had to see Mr. Biden’s decrepitude and start to prepare other candidates for the 2024 election. Here the US Democratic Party made a blunder, and now, I think, it’s too late to do something – there will be Democratic National Convention in mid-August that officially nominates the party’s presidential candidate. The Democrats will not raise new candidates until August and are guaranteed to lose to Trump, but the old candidate (Mr. Biden) will also lose. Why?

People don't vote for complicated ideas.

Biden is old and this is visible not only to his enemies, but also to his friends. To all Americans. The bad thing for Democrats here is not even the fact that Mr. Biden is old, frail and forgetful, but that this became very noticeable in the televised debates. There is a joke: “Who is better to be — a bald or an idiot?” The correct answer is “an idiot”, because it is not immediately noticeable. And if the idiot can be silent for a good while, he may well pass for the clever.

The fact is that people don't vote for complicated ideas.
“Down with Biden because he is old” - this is simple, understandable and, in general, it is clear what should or should not be done. But “Vote for Biden because he will increase taxes on the rich” sounds much more complicated, what has to happen as a result is unclear, and there is no desire to figure all that out. Therefore, this idea is not a simple guide to action and those who come to vote in November will vote for Trump’s simple slogan “Down with old man Biden and the boring Deep State which prevents us all from normal living,” i.e. against Biden. And the people don’t care that Mr. Trump simply wants to replace the old Deep State with his own, pro-Trump Deep State. Any state cannot live without a formal structure, so nothing will change in the country, but the people don’t ask about that ... Yes, this is a threat to democracy and it’s really not far from dictatorship, because the new Deep State will serve the interests of Mr. Trump, but the people don’t care much about the democracy (terrible, right?) and don’t look that far...
So Mr. Biden will lose this election. And all criminal cases against Mr. Trump won't help — there is no equality before the law in the US.

Since 2016, the Americans have been voting not for the best of two good candidates, but for the less bad of two bad ones. Mr. Biden now clearly looks worse physically. In November, Americans will vote against Mr. Biden and, therefore, in favor of Mr. Trump. The people of the US still do not see the third way of voting.

If you don't want to score at the opponent's goal, he scores at your goal.

The country is undergoing a process of changing generations of elites (it’s simply time for representatives of the old elite to die) and now it’s the turn of the Democratic Party. President Biden (like N. Pelosi and many other senior party functionaries) spent about 50 years at highest positions in the US and did not create anything special, but there was no visible harm from him either, just like from B. Obama. This is a good example of the stagnation (i.e., stop in development and degradation) of the US Democratic Party.
There is an unwritten law in sports: “If you don’t want to score at the opponent’s goal, he scores at your goal.” This law also works in politics - politicians are elected to do something about the country, and not to rest on their laurels.

The US Republican Party also cannot offer the Americans anything they need, but Mr. Trump with his activity and harsh judgments evokes in the average person a feeling of some kind of movement. Now he will come to power and begin «to obliterate» the old Deep State. In other words, he will start reducing the powers of various government agencies in favor of his executive branch and fire the statesmen he does not like.

But the Deep State is the backbone of the whole state and I think that such actions will lead to the collapse of the country into groups of states, which, in my opinion, is neither bad nor good. The US as a state has passed the peak of its development and can no longer provide its citizens with «Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness».

Mr. Biden is over 80, it's time for him to retire. However, the entire Biden family business (as well as, apparently, Hunter Biden's stay out of jail) rests on Joe Biden being the President. Therefore, the family cannot just let the president go, and he himself also sincerely believes that he can handle it.

Therefore, Democrats, like Republicans, like all Americans, have no choice in this election. There will be a Biden-Trump rematch, which Mr. Trump wins this time. In my opinion, it is also neither bad nor good, this is simply the direction of development/degradation of the US at present time.

Only the American people can theoretically do something about that, but they have not yet reached the required level of understanding.

A mistake by both major US parties and their presidents.

Both major US parties live well at the expense of the American people, manipulating with their money and abusing their trust. They don’t need to change anything in the country.

Both major US parties have no understanding of America's current problems, where they came from and how to solve them. Their common main task is to remain in power for as long as it is possible and keep making money off of the blind, ignorant and very hard-working American people.
In this sense, both parties are very similar to each other.

Each party has its own «Achilles’ heel»: it is the immigration for the Democrats and guns, abortion and LGBT for the Republicans.

They also have common problems - the economy (debt, inflation and corruption), healthcare, climate change, diseases and natural disasters. As you can see, the parties have more common problems, i.e. they both cannot cope with governing the state successfully.

In fact, it is just the poorly managed economy — national debt, inflation and corruption – which are the main reasons for the division and degradation of the country, the rest ones are secondary.

A party which wants to win elections in the US should not strive to preserve democracy/US global leadership/defeat China, Russia, etc., but to provide health and well-being to the US citizens.

The mistake of the US people.

The American people get poorer because of poor economic management by both major parties. Therefore, the country keep being divided into the rich/poor and its internal problems are getting worse. The US politicians spend the people's money faster than the people earn it, so they need to constantly borrow extra money, increasing the country's debts, and pursuing wrong monetary policy, creating the inflation. Well, fiscal policy can always be debated which is what both parties do all the time.

The people don’t pay attention to all that and keep voting for “their” party. It is not right. You need to vote for yourself, for your own unique opinion. How?

How to vote for yourself.

The people who want their representatives in government to really work for the good of the country, and not just for their own pockets, must know what they (the people) want (this is the most difficult), how to achieve that (this is a little less difficult) and vote correctly (this is the easiest).
1. If any person does not know what he/she really wants (in fact, many people do not know that in relation to themselves or to the country), they, as a rule, can immediately say what they do not want. Try asking yourself (it’s always nice to talk to an intelligent person) such questions (for example, “Would you forgive students their debts?” or “Do you really think that Trump was innocent of storming the Capitol?”) and cross off the things you don’t want or don't like from the list.
Everything that remains after all the “no” answers are crossed off, is what you want. Yes, it's still a lot, but you can always narrow your search by continuing to ask the next questions. Just don't ponder much. The first thing that comes to your mind from your body (the task here is just to exclude the mind, otherwise you will be speaking like your politicians do) is your ultimate truth - “yes” or “no” - even if all other people say the opposite.

2. How to get what you want is a separate question. The tactics for achieving the goal can be different. It is important to determine the right goal.

3. And it’s easy to vote correctly. The only thing here is you need to vote for your full set of your relative happiness.
Well, for example, you are a Republican and at heart you are against uncontrolled immigration, but for the right of any woman to have an abortion. Then you shouldn’t vote for the Republicans until they support abortion and everything that you think is right and necessary for the country. If you vote for them, they think you share their views on abortion, so don't mislead your party. It should know your true opinion and express it 100%, not 50% or even 80%.
Or you are a Democrat and support immigration to the US, but in your heart you are against abortion, because you believe that any life is sacred. Similarly, you also shouldn’t vote for the Democrats until they ban abortion. If you vote for them, they definitely think that you share their point of view on abortion, while you don’t. Don't mislead your party. Give real feedback.

And the most important thing: if none of the parties promise you to implement the full set of your wishes in their programs, you need to vote “against all” or not to vote at all. I called that earlier “conscious inaction”. As a matter of fact, the “conscious inaction” of voters greatly influences any party. Any large party which gets 10-20% of the population voting cannot be considered «large» and, most importantly, it does not have the moral right to govern the country on behalf of “all people” in the eyes of its own citizens and the world community. This is where the major American parties will begin to move very fast and put forward innovative ideas for the development of the country. The people will need to choose the best idea/model for themselves and the corresponding government. This is the ideal of democracy to aspire to. What we have now in the US is the monopolization of the political power by two parties. They need to be spurred on, they both are spoiled beyond compare. Only the American people can do this and thus influence the destiny of their country.

Yes, some kind of political (and perhaps constitutional) crisis is possible, but the crisis has already been latently present in the US more or less for the last 10-15 years and will only exacerbate. A horrible end is better than endless horror. In return, the Americans will receive a younger, energetic and useful new elite for the country, and the structure of this elite will be determined by subsequent correct elections.

Do you think it’s not worth a try?

P.S. Mr. Biden is a stubborn person, but under the donor’s pressure he may finally decide to withdraw from the presidential race. However, this will change nothing because there is no one to replace him equally. The Democrats will lose the upcoming presidential election. They deserve it.
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