Deglobalization Goes On. The US Supports It
The US Secretary of State M. Rubio outlined the direction of US foreign policy:
“Putting our core national interests once again above all else.”
“Putting our core national interests once again above all else.”

Marco Rubio. Image by Gage Skidmore, Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license via Wikimedia Commons
I have already written about the fact that humanity entered a zone of Disintegration, crises and chaos, and this energy manifests itself in the form of deglobalization at the international level. The humanity is too globalized and its parts have become too much integrated and thus interdependent. It's time to deglobalize and that will happen naturally since different countries have opposing interests and will pursue them. Humanity is leaving the era of convergence and entering the era of divergence.
Further confirmation of this came in mid-January from the US Senator M. Rubio. On January 15, he gave a short speech before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee as President Trump's nominee for Secretary of State. In this speech, Mr. Rubio outlined his (and presumably President Trump's) vision of the US foreign policy over the next four years.
In short, the speech can be summed up as follows: since the world order, formed after World War II, is outdated, and due to the gullibility of the United States is beginning to work in favor of the country's enemies, America is again called upon to create a free world out of the chaos, and it will do this by putting its core national interests above all else, because American wealth and power are not unlimited.
Here we can clearly hear the desire to turn the country towards its own problems and an explanation for possible refusals to help other countries. This is the energy of Disintegration in action, which feeds Deglobalization.
Mr. Rubio has been confirmed as the U.S. Secretary of State.
Intentional lying or genuine misunderstanding?
I liked Mr. Rubio's speech because it quite briefly and clearly presented the point of view of at least half of the US elite (namely the Republican Party and President Trump) on the problems of the US, their causes, the established status quo in America, the world, and the goals of the country's foreign policy.
I disagree with many statements in Mr. Rubio's speech. This is a deliberate promotion of false narratives or blindness and genuine misunderstanding. Similar misconceptions were demonstrated by the Democrats during their last four years in power which resulted in their losing the presidential election in November 2024.
Unfortunately, the majority of Americans still don't see that both Republican and Democratic parties are just successful, long-lived political projects of the US elites for legal extracting money from the economy, and keeps electing their representatives to the government. The economy, health care, drugs, guns, education, even taxes, national debts, etc., are business projects of the elites who manipulate the people of the US, sponsor both major parties and appoint presidents, senators and representatives to the US Congress.
I will quote Mr. Rubio's speech here, and comment on it for those Americans who understand that both Republicans and Democrats are leading the country in the wrong direction. There are too many different contradictory statements being made by too many people nowadays, the aspects of truth and lies are woven and mixed together there, and it is indeed possible to drown in the ocean of half-truths.
What is right and what is wrong in Mr. Rubio's speech.
1. Mr. Rubio:
“At the end of the Second World War, the United States was… tasked with creating an order, a world order... without blowing the whole of the world into pieces in the process. And in the decades that followed, that global order served us quite well. Americans’ incomes rose and communities flourished. Alliances emerged in the Indo-Pacific and Europe that led to the emergence of stability and democracy and prosperity in these regions.”
Yes, that was basically the case. I would just like to note that the alliances of states with approximately equal economic capabilities emerged. And as long as these alliances were unions of the equals, they were mutually beneficial and therefore strong.
2. Mr. Rubio:
“Out of the triumphalism of the end of the Cold – long Cold - War emerged a bipartisan consensus, and this consensus was that we had reached the end of history, that all of the nations of the world would now become members of the democratic Western-led community; that a foreign policy that served the national interest could now be replaced by one that served the liberal world order; and that all mankind was now destined to abandon national sovereignty and national identity and would instead become one human family and citizens of the world. This wasn’t just a fantasy. We now know it was a dangerous delusion.”
Humans live all the time in delusion which is called “Maya” in esotericism.
For example, Mr. Rubio called the US “the wealthiest and the most powerful nation on the Earth” in his speech. This is a delusion.
In 3 quarter of 2024 the debt-to-GDP ratio (a key indicator of the country's economic health) in the US was 120.73%. This means that in 3 quarter of 2024 the US earned 1.2 times less than it spent and borrowed money to cover the difference. Rich countries (and people) don't borrow money.
Thus, Mr. Rubio (and many Americans) live in a delusion of the US wealth that doesn't exist. And what effect will their actions have if they see something that doesn't exist? That's living in Maya.
Back then, after the Cold War, it seemed to everyone that the "democratic liberal world order" was the only correct approach. And it was noticeable that the US considered itself the leader of Western countries and the entire "Western-led community." A leader should take care of the members of the community, i.e. helping with money, protection, etc. And the US did that. Then all Western countries really relaxed, many partially lost their national identity due to the wrong immigration policy (I believe that former German Chancellor A. Merkel contributed greatly to this delusion), however, this is how governments of almost all developed countries acted, and their citizens agreed with them or simply did not object. So, everything was democratic and the result should be just like this. All countries that suffered from illegal immigration (including the USA) were sincere in their delusions, like Mr. Rubio and Mr. Trump may be sincerely deluded now with their approach.
3. Mr. Rubio:
“Here in America and in many of the advanced economies across the world, an almost religious commitment to free and unfettered trade at the expense of our national economy shrunk the middle class, left the working class in crisis, collapsed our industrial capacity, and has pushed critical supply chains into the hands of adversaries and of rivals.”
This is either an intentional lying or a genuine misunderstanding.
Mr. Biden, when he was president, also explained what happened to the US middle class by “… too many good-paying manufacturing jobs moved overseas,” but they didn’t move by themselves. The Americans moved them.
As I understand, the American entrepreneurs (including Elon Musk) built their factories where the labor was cheaper, and the US in this sense could not compete with China. This is what really «shrunk the middle class, left the working class in crisis, collapsed our industrial capacity.»
Besides, America can probably produce everything it needs itself rather than buying goods from China and other countries and thus not giving away «critical supply chains into the hands of adversaries and of rivals.» And if it cannot or doesn’t want to, then there’s no need to complain.
The real cause of the US middle class dying are the decoupling of the US Dollar from gold (the so-called Nixon Shock) in 1971 and the continued impoverishment of US citizens through inflation targeting policy of the Federal Reserve. I have explained this in some detail here.
4. Mr. Rubio:
“An irrational zeal for maximum freedom of movement of people has resulted in a historic mass migration crisis. Here in America, but also around the world, it’s one that threatens the stability of societies and of governments.”
Yes, this is indeed incomprehensible and “irrational zeal,” but it did not start yesterday. Both Democrats and Republicans are to blame for it because they couldn’t react timely and change the legislation.
According to the US law of 1952 “The Immigration and Nationality Act,” any person, arriving at the border of the country or being already illegally in the US, has the right to apply for asylum and receives the right to lawfully remain in the country until their case is adjudicated. I have written about that in some detail here. All US governments have allowed illegal immigrants to seek asylum in the US from the US soil for 82 years. This is why the "historic mass migration crisis" has arisen in the US, but this has been the policy of both major US parties, just the number of immigrants has increased dramatically in the last few years. European developed countries have done their own stupid things.
5. Mr. Rubio:
“Across the West, governments now censor and even prosecute domestic political opponents.”
This raises funny questions. Is Mr. Rubio speaking about what, specifically, Mr. Trump is going to do to his opponents? Is this really criticism of Mr. Trump?
6. Mr. Rubio:
“While America far too often continued to prioritize the global order above our core national interest, other nations continued to act the way countries always have.”
Countries like people always had and always will have grievances against each other. The European allies of the US would certainly voice theirs: that the US imposes unreasonable tariffs on their goods, teaches everyone democracy and constantly abuses its ability to devalue the world's reserve currency (the US dollar), thus spreading its inflation to the entire world.
7. Mr. Rubio:
“We welcomed the Chinese Communist Party into the global order, and they took advantage of all of its benefits and they ignored all of its obligations and responsibilities. Instead, they have repressed and lied and cheated and hacked and stolen their way into global superpower status, and they have done so at our expense and at the expense of the people of their own country.”
China, whether it is good or bad, have built the world's #2 economy, and everyone in the world, even Russia, takes them into account. If the Chinese are so bad and abuse the good attitude of the US, don't do business with them. What else can be done? Yet Mr. Trump invited "bad" Xi Jinping to his inauguration. Why then does Mr. Rubio say that the Chinese «have repressed and lied and cheated and hacked and stolen their way into global superpower status»?
By the way, the Americans can learn from the Chinese in the consistency of implementing their decisions, because President Biden in 2021 has cancelled many decisions of former President Trump, and in 2025 President Trump cancels many decisions of former President Biden... This is not how countries which claim the world leadership behave.
8. Mr. Rubio:
“In our very own hemisphere, narco-terrorists and dictators and despots take advantage of open borders to drive mass migration, to traffic in women and children, and to flood our communities with deadly fentanyl and violent criminals.”
US Borders are officially open for 3 months for Chilean citizens only under Visa Waiver Program from all countries of South and Central America. Everyone else needs a visa or illegal border crossing and asylum applying to enter the US (see above). Mr. Rubio called the US “the wealthiest and the most powerful nation on the Earth” which can't (or doesn't want to) control its borders. In that case, what does the US government, Mr. Rubio including, get high salaries, pensions and various benefits for?
9. Mr. Rubio:
“The post-war global order is not just obsolete, it is now a weapon being used against us... Eight decades later, we are once again called to create a free world out of the chaos, and this will not be easy. And it will be impossible without a strong and a confident America that engages in the world, putting our core national interests once again above all else… We will never be indifferent to the suffering of our fellow man. But ultimately, under President Trump, the top priority of the United States Department of State will be the United States… Every dollar we spend, every program we fund, every policy we pursue must be justified by the answer to one of three questions: Does it make America safer? Does it make America stronger? Or does it make America more prosperous?
Prudence in the conduct of foreign policy is not an abandonment of our values. It is the common-sense understanding that while we remain the wealthiest and the most powerful nation on the Earth, our wealth has never been unlimited and our power has never been infinite. And placing our core national interest above all else is not isolationism; it is the common-sense realization that a foreign policy centered in our national interest is not some outdated relic. ”
The US itself has undermined its leadership in the world. The world order would not have changed much if America had maintained its authority. For example, the US, together with Russia and Great Britain, signed the Budapest Memorandum, according to which Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons in exchange for security guarantees. The US (and the collective West) did nothing when the Russians seized Ukraine's Crimea and started a proxy war in eastern Ukraine in 2014. And what is about Mr. Trump's attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election and the January 6 Capitol attack? The whole world has seen it all. A leader must constantly maintain its authority or not claim the leadership.
It is also interesting which part of America Mr. Rubio has in mind when he is talking about making it “safer”, “stronger” and “more prosperous.” Is it himself and Mr. Trump? The Republican Party? Its donors? Its followers, thanks to whom Mr. Trump won the election? The entire elite of the US, including the Democrats? All people of the US?
America is divided into parts, and these parts have opposing interests. For example, if Mr. Trump gives the American people affordable and effective health care, many of the big medical, pharmaceutical and insurance companies (donors to both major parties) will go bankrupt. Mr. Trump suggested “to fix it all” before the latest election, most Americans believed it and elected him president. We’ll see, of course, but I don't think Mr. Trump will do anything needed and significant - with healthcare or economy (inflation and debt) of the country - and therefore he will not eliminate the division of the US between rich and poor. Mr. Trump is rich and will not fight corporations.
Mr. Rubio insists that his position on US foreign policy is “not isolationism,” but it seems that this is precisely what it is. However, there is nothing wrong with that. A turn in any country’s foreign policy toward national interests is certainly the right thing to do, and it is strange if the US didn’t do that before (frankly, I don’t believe that, but Ok). And actions must be careful, not hasty, like, for example, many of the US-funded aid programs were recently abruptly stopped around the world.
And one more thing: “putting our core national interests once again above all else” should not be accompanied by the boorish proposals like taking away the Panama Canal, buying the unsaleable Greenland, or annexing Canada to the US. Respect others and others will respect you (this is about correct leadership). Rudeness just turns other nations against America, but unfortunately, that is Mr. Trump's style and apparently 77 million Americans, who voted for him, like it.
I don't.
10. Mr. Rubio:
“For in the end, how can America promote the cause of peace on Earth it is not first safe at home? What good is America to our allies if it is not strong? And how can America end the suffering of God’s children across the world if it is not first prosperous here at home?”
It sounds good. I’ve got the impression that Mr. Rubio was going to practice what he preaches. However, I wrote articles on all these topics and I got a different picture:
- America is not safe at home because the gun violence took away lives of 16725 Americans and 31646 people more were wounded during 2024.
- America is not strong because it is deeply divided internally: into poor/rich, the elite (all 3 branches of power) into Democrats/ Republicans, and the ignorant people into followers of the two parties.
- America is not prosperous at home because politicians mismanage the economy and creating just debts, inflation and corruption.
This is my inconvenient truth for the Americans, to my great regret.
Mr. Rubio and the American elites live in delusions (in Maya) and therefore will not be able to make the right decisions for the country. The American people do not see that because most of them share the delusions of their elites. Therefore, America cannot “end the suffering of God’s children across the world” and will not even be able to take care of itself.
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