Why America Needs Trump
Americans live in the illusion of their wealth and power.
Trump is needed to destroy it.
Destruction of illusions is necessary, though it is painful.
Trump is needed to destroy it.
Destruction of illusions is necessary, though it is painful.

Collage by author from work of Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, USA under Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license
Mr. Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2025.
Then he gave a speech in which he said, in particular, that ”… the golden age of America begins right now.”
Well, we'll see whether it is “golden” or not (I think that America's "golden age" has already passed without being noticed), but these words are definitely about the coming changes. The majority of Americans demanded changes while electing Mr. Trump to the main office, and now they will get some. Perhaps, to their displeasure, because сhanges can be necessary, unnecessary, timely, untimely, for the better, for the worse, etc., and usually it is often difficult to distinguish between them beforehand. On the other hand, Mr. Trump is elected president by 77 million Americans. That's almost a third of the eligible to vote population, so let him try.
There is a saying in Russian “The worse, the better”. The idea is that the worse a country, a business or a family is doing, the better for those who are waiting for the changes because the current order will collapse sooner. However, it usually ends up with ”the worse is still the worse”, but that understanding usually comes later. Mr. Trump will definitely change something in the country which in itself already contrasts with the impotent policies of the Democrats and the feeling of stagnation in recent years.
Mr. Trump moved quickly to make changes.
Right after his speech, Mr. Trump has signed a series of executive orders that implement his vision of the changes that are coming to the country. Basically, they were about reversing many Mr. Biden’s policies and attacking the “Deep State.” For example, Mr. Trump has begun to restore order with the illegal immigration, but omitted so far other important problems which worry Americans - inflation, rising prices and extortionate medicine. This is understandable: even reconciling Russia and Ukraine is easier than giving Americans a stable dollar or inexpensive and high-quality medicine. Ok, maybe these questions are for later.
With such sharp movements in domestic and foreign policy (the abolition of nearly 80 executive actions of the previous administration, the US’s withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement and from the World Health Organization) on Mr. Trump’s first day in office, it feels like the captains are steering the ship called “the USA” in a state of DUI. When such a large ship suddenly changes direction, the whole world gets a headache. However, this points only to a deep divergence in the vision of the future of the US between the two major parties.
Powerful "king in the kingdom" or powerless "president in the republic"?
Mr. Trump after the election sees himself as a king riding a white horse in a country that basically considers itself a “democracy” and a “republic” with a separation of power between the branches of government just to prevent sharp turns in the country’s politics. So “Deep State” immediately struck back: in particular, 22 states are going to sue Mr. Trump to stop his Birthright Citizenship Order. They believe that the decree violates the 14th Amendment to the Constitution which is a "sacred cow" in the US. Apparently, the same will happen with many other initiatives of the new administration, i.e. we are in for a big war of the "Deep State" against various initiatives of the new old president. This means that the division of the country and stagnation will continue, the conflict will worsen and only one will remain alive.
Will it be Mr. Trump or the "Deep State"?
During the next 4 years we will see whether Mr. Trump becomes an all-powerful “king” (and the US will turn in that case into a “kingdom”, i.e. a dictatorship) or he will remain just a powerless “president”, with his hands tied by the “Deep State” (and the US, accordingly, will remain a “republic”). I think that in the struggle of such opposites, the most likely option is the collapse of the US into groups of independent states that can well exist without the federals.
America needs Mr. Trump to destroy the illusions of the Americans.
The US has been living in the illusion of its wealth and power for many years. Mr. Trump destroys it with his behavior. The destruction of illusions is necessary for any person or nation to continue its development (or decay) and this usually happens painfully, but it is an integral part of the process of evolution/degradation of a nation. This is very important first of all for the Americans themselves. They need to correctly define their place and role in the world, because only then the nation is able to make the right decisions and lead the country in the right direction. The principle here is very simple: you need to see yourself as you really are, and not as you want to be. Then you will develop, not degrade, and one day you can become who you want to be.
I already wrote that the Americans had created many myths about themselves and sincerely believed in them. Every person or nation usually sees thyself much better than it really is, but life sooner or later puts everything in its place and the further you move away from reality the more you have to pay for your delusion.
I don't consider the US a rich, democratic, capitalist and fair country of "equal opportunities". I could be wrong, of course, but if I'm right (and I've lived in another country and could compare), then there's a huge gap between reality and image of the US. For example, the US presidents in their mandatory addresses to the nation say that «the state of the union is strong», but everyone can see that the country is divided along party lines and is stuck in this position. Or the fact that Americans complain about inflation and rising prices, not understanding that the Fed creates all that for them and not seeing behind that the deliberate monetary policy of the American elites.
A woman cannot be "a little pregnant" just like the country cannot be formally "democracy" and "republic," but in reality the “oligarchy” (or ”aristocracy”). Sooner or later, a feeling of inadequacy arises and a person develops the alternating personality syndrome, and a country gets big internal tensions and finally disintegrates.
Lifestyle is the cause of the US’s current problems.
The explicit (and not so important) division of the US is the split between Democrats and Republicans and their followers with both groups constantly blaming each other for all the problems of the country.
The implicit and major division of the nation is the gap in opportunities between the impoverished majority (the people of the US) and the growing wealthy American elites to which, by the way, the current main “defender” of the impoverished majority, Mr. Trump, belongs. Now the Republicans will be at the helm of the US again and nothing fundamental (in economics or healthcare) changes in the country. Why?
Because Mr. Trump belongs to the American elites which make money off the people and he can do nothing against himself. Finally he will blame again everything on the insidious Democrats and the evil “Deep State” which is very convenient way to avoid responsibility. Democrats do the same thing all the time. It's a vicious cycle for the ignorant people.
Lifestyle is the cause of the US's current problems (as it is in many other countries): American elites with the help of extortionate laws written for them by the Congress appropriate the lion's share of the material wealth created in the country and live well at the expense of the people. Federal Reserve data indicates that the top 1% of households in the US held 30.9% of the country's wealth, while the bottom 50% held only 2.6% as of 2021. The elites grow rich and physically separate themselves from the people: they live, study, work, get treatment, rest and die in separate places, constantly lying that they are a part of the people. It can be imagined as if a person's head (both US elites - Democrats and Republicans) separates itself from the body (the US people). This is the division of the nation. I have been watching that in Ukraine for a good while.
This simple truth has not yet been seen by roughly two thirds of the country's voting eligible population, since 77 million voters voted for Mr. Trump (Republicans) in the last presidential election, and 75 million voters did for Ms. Harris (Democrats). In total, the US now has around 244 million of eligible voters.
The rest of the Americans, whom the Gallup Institute calls «political independents» (and I call “the uncommitted”) see the elite’s lie and feel the injustice, but can do nothing and therefore go about their business away from the country’s bustling political life.
Mr. Trump managed to exploit the Americans' dissatisfaction with the Democrats' policies and won the presidential election. Besides, he really needed to close his criminal cases. Thus the elite at the helm of the country has changed once again, but practically nothing changed for the people. Illusions (lies), division of the nation, growing injustice in society remain, and I think they will tear the country apart in a foreseeable future with the help of assertive President Trump who will pursue his own selfish goals in the presidency.
Interestingly enough: by carrying out his “reforms” and fighting against the “Deep State,” Mr. Trump in fact destroys the US federal government, the executive branch of which he heads. He does not seem to understand this. Well, so much the better. He will honestly bring his illusions to life and one day he may find himself unemployed. Mr. Trump may well become a president of a non-existent country that has fallen apart into separate states, each of which has its own Constitution and all three branches of government. And all the positions are already taken there.
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